Friday, June 3, 2016

(-)Round Function in Vb 6.00

//(-)Round Function in Vb 6.00
If You Want To Round in last 2 digit Exm. 151 = 200        And  149 = 100 Round1(Value,-2)

Private Function Round1(DouAmt As Double, IntDegit As Integer) As Double

IntDegit = Abs(IntDegit)

DouAmt = Round(DouAmt)

If IntDegit = 0 Then

Round1 = DouAmt

Exit Function

End If

If Right(DouAmt, IntDegit) < Val('5' + String(IntDegit - 1, '0')) Then

Round1 = (DouAmt - Right(DouAmt, IntDegit))


Round1 = (DouAmt - Right(DouAmt, IntDegit)) + Val('10' + String(IntDegit - 1, '0'))

End If

End Function
End Function

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